Presentation Information

[22a-C402-4]High speed QKD with Passive Quench Photon Detectors

〇(M1)Toshitsugu Kato1, Akihisa Tomita2, Atsushi Okamoto2, Masatoshi Kanazawa2 (1.IST-Hokkaido Univ., 2.Fac. of IST-Hokkaido Univ.)


photon detectors,quantum key distribution,jitter

The utilization of passive quench photon detectors offers a promising avenue to streamline quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. However, the presence of jitter during the conversion of photons into electrical signals imposes limitations on the speed of QKD systems. In this study, we conducted measurements of jitter using RMY's passive quench APD PNA-308, allowing us to establish the current feasible upper limit for the QKD clock frequency.