Presentation Information
[22p-A304-6]Low-Refractive-Index of non-crystalline TiO2 thin Film by Combination Deposition
〇Mai Hayamizu1, Hiroshi Murotani2, Takayuki Matsudaira3 (1.Grad. Sch. Tokai Univ., 2.Tokai Univ., 3.SHINCRON CO. LTD.)
Optical Thin Film,TiO2,Low refractive index
In our laboratory, we have developed a composite film formation method and have succeeded in producing thin films with lower refractive indices than conventional methods. This method involves simultaneously operating electron beam evaporation and DC pulse sputtering to continuously form films. In this experiment, TiO2 films were formed on N-BK7 optical glass substrates and measured using a spectrophotometer, nanoindenter, and AFM. As a result, it is believed that the increase in chamber pressure during film formation changes the filling rate of the film due to the decrease in mean free path and the increase in residual gas in the film, which affects the film structure and physical properties.