Presentation Information
[22p-A306-1]Properties of Clover-Flower-Like Carbon Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering
〇Yudai Tokito1, Yuta Sasaki2, Soichiro Koga2, Masami Aono1 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima Univ., 2.Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ.)
nanocarbon,RF magnetron sputtering
In the process of preparing amorphous carbon (a-C) thin films, a spherical carbon was discovered by chance. This spherical carbon was named Clover-Flower-Like Carbon (CFL-C) because of its conical carbon structure, which resembles that of white clover. In this study, we attempted to synthesize CFL-C by changing various parameters of the radiofrequency magnetron sputtering method, and investigated the shape and chemical bonding state of the obtained CFL-C.