Presentation Information

[22p-A306-18]Negative capacitance properties of the CNT/Cu structure

〇(M1)Yuki Tanioka1, Kaito Matuo1, Sota Fujimoto1, Ryo Kiyofuji1, Yong Sun1 (1.kyuko Inst.)


negative capacitance,carbon nanotube

Negative capacitance is expected to have applications such as improving performances of capacitor and transistor. In this study, the carbon nanotube film on Zr substrate was used, and a movable Cu electrode was placed near the surface of the CNT/Zr sample in order to measure both capacitance and resistance in various distances between the Cu electrode and CNT/Zr sample. Our results suggest that the tunneling current passing through the structure contributes to the negative capacitance generation.