Presentation Information
[22p-A306-6]Mechanical Properties of graphene oxide-intoroduced carbon nanotube yarn
〇Mizuki Iwahara1, Katuhiro Urata1, Kazunari Kinoshita1, Haolu Lin1, Hiroo Suzuki1, Takeshi Nishikawa1, Yasuhiko Hayashi1 (1.Okayama Univ.)
carbon nanotube,CNT spun yarn
The mechanical strength of CNT yarn is not as high as that of carbon fiber, which is currently in practical use. We attempted to increase the strength of CNT yarn by cross-linking CNT bundles with graphene oxide (GO). In this study, we applied a dipping process with a finely dispersed GO solution and Joule heating at 3000 K to the CNT yarns. We found that these processes improved the strength of the CNT yarns by suppressing the slipping of the CNTs, which is a possible breaking mechanism of the CNT yarns. We recorded the maximum tensile breaking stress of 6.11 GPa.