Presentation Information

[22p-B101-1]Non-destructive and non-contact measurements of GaN/SAM templates using THz-TDSE

〇Takashi Fujii1,2,3, Watanabe Hayato1, Wang Dingding1, Fukuda Tsuguo2, Iwamoto Toshiyuki3, Deura Momoko4, Araki Tsutomu1 (1.Col. of Sci. & Eng. Ritsumeikan Univ., 2.Fukuda Cryst.Lab., 3.NIPPO PRECISION Co.Ltd., 4.R-GIRO Ritsumeikan Univ.)



We are developing non-contact and non-destructive inspection methods using THz-TDSE for GaN/SAM templates grown by the RF-MBE method. However, when the film thickness is 1 μm or less in the GaN / SAM template, a method of combining Fresnel analysis with analysis considering characteristic impedance was applied. Currently, we are developing a highly accurate analysis method for thinner GaN films for ultra-thin 3D semiconductor films considering the scattering of electrons at the film interface.