Session Details

[17p-A22-1~7]Recent trends in research activity related to light, magnetism, and spintronics

Tue. Sep 17, 2024 1:30 PM - 4:55 PM JST
Tue. Sep 17, 2024 4:30 AM - 7:55 AM UTC
Hiromasa Shimizu(TUAT), Yuichiro Ando(Osaka Metropolitan University)

[17p-A22-1]Opening: Recent trends in research activity related to light, magnetism, and spintronics

〇Hiromasa Shimizu1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.)

[17p-A22-2]Magneto-optical recording device with optical waveguide and AI applications

〇Yuya Shoji1, Gaku Takagi1, Shun Yajima1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

[17p-A22-3]Magneto-optical activities for chemical sensing and spin-plasmonic applications

〇Haruki Yamane1, Takashi Hasegawa2, Masanobu Kobayashi3, Yukiko Yasukawa3 (1.Akita Ind. Tech., 2.Akita Univ., 3.Chiba Ins. Tech.)

[17p-A22-4]The technology development for HAMR (heat assisted magnetic recording), commercialization and practical application.

〇Tomohiro Yokoyama1, Taro Iwata1 (1.Nippon Seagate Inc)

[17p-A22-5]Optical control of spin current using magnetic metamaterials: Meta opto-spintronics

〇Masakazu Matsubara1,2,3 (1.Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ., 2.CSIS, Tohoku Univ., 3.JST PREST)

[17p-A22-6]Ultrafast manipulation of magnetization using light

〇Arata Tsukamoto1 (1.Nihon Univ.)

[17p-A22-7]Time-resolved imaging of the propagation of antiferromagnetic magnons

〇Takuya Satoh1 (1.Tokyo Tech)