Presentation Information

[22p-12J-7]Study of solution oxidation of Ge substrate

〇Gen Shimizu1, Yuta Tsuchiya1, Hoshiki Harata1, Yoshitaka Iwazaki1, Tomo Ueno1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.)


Gate insulator

The thermal oxidation and thermal CVD methods, which are currently the mainstream oxide film deposition methods in the semiconductor device fabrication process, have difficulty in achieving uniform film thickness due to the difficulty of achieving uniform temperature on the substrate surface as the substrate diameter becomes larger. Therefore, this study examines the solution oxidation method, which can achieve more uniform temperature than the aforementioned methods. Since previous studies have shown that solution oxidation without water on Si substrates is feasible, we thought that it would be possible to avoid the low water resistance of GeO2 and verified the solution oxidation on Ge substrates. As a result, we concluded that it is possible to perform solution oxidation on Ge substrates, although there is room for improvement of the low insulation property.