Presentation Information

[22p-21C-8]Effect of film thickness on GaN grown on ScAlMgO4 substrate in electrical characterization measurement using THz Time-Domain spectroscopic Ellipsometry

〇Takashi Fujii1,2, Watanabe Hayato1, Tsuchida Kaito1, Iwamoto Tohiyuki2, Fukuda Tsuguo3, Deura Momoko1, Araki Tsutomu1 (1.Ritsumeikan Univ., 2.PNP, 3.Fkuda Cryst Lab.)



We report that THz-TDSE can be used to measure the electrical properties (electrical conductivity, carrier concentration, mobility) of GaN thin films and graphene on a single crystal substrate in a non-contact and non-destructive manner. In this study, we examined the effects of film thickness by performing THz-TDSE and Hall measurements using a sample in which GaN epitaxial films of 1 μm or less with different film thicknesses were grown on a 50 mm diameter SAM substrate by the MBE method.