Presentation Information

[22p-P04-12]Characterization of mist-Al2O3/n-GaN Structures Fabricated on Free-standing GaN Substrates

〇Zenji Yatabe1, Masaya Fukumitsu1, Hadirah Radzuan1, Keigo Bito1, Ryota Ochi2, Yusui Nakamura1, Taketomo Sato2 (1.Kumamoto Univ., 2.Hokkaido Univ.)


mist-CVD,GaN,gate insulator

Interface characterization was performed on mist-Al2O3/GaN structures using epitaxial n-GaN layers grown on free-standing GaN substrates. The Al2O3 layer was prepared by mist-CVD. We observed good C–V characteristics from the fabricated mist-All2O3 MOS capacitors, suggesting high interfacial quality of the mist-Al2O3/GaN interface. This further indicates that atmospheric pressure low-cost mist-CVD method is promising for depositing high-quality gate insulators for GaN-based MOS devices.