Session Details

[22p-P04-1~18]13.7 Compound and power devices, process technology and characterization

Fri. Mar 22, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Fri. Mar 22, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
P04 (Building No. 9)

[22p-P04-1]AlGaN/GaN vertical devices on Si substrates with highly resistive strained layer superlattice as the current blocking layer

〇Toshiharu Kubo1, Takaya Koike1, Toshiki Kamiya1, Takashi Egawa1 (1.Nagoya Inst. Tech.)

[22p-P04-2]Evaluation of endurance characteristics of nonvolatile memory using GaN/AlN resonant tunneling diodes

〇Masanori Nagase1, Tokio Takahashi1, Mitsuaki Shimizu1 (1.AIST)

[22p-P04-3]On-Wafer Hall measurement method with ohmic formation using high voltage pulses

〇Kazuki Kodama1, Daisuke Ueda1, Osamu Tatebayashi2, Makoto Masuda3, Antonio Fermin3, Tadao Hashimot4 (1.NYCU, 2.Yamamotogiken, 3.Seikenn, 4.SixPoint Meterials)

[22p-P04-4]Study of Vth dependence on Mg concentration of GaN MOSFETs with Al-doped channel

〇Tsurugi Kondo1, Katsunori Ueno1, Ryo Tanaka1, Shinya Takashima1, Masaharu Edo1, Tomoyuki Suwa2 (1.Fuji Electric, 2.NICHe, Tohoku Univ.)

[22p-P04-5]Characterization of near-conduction-band gap state in Mg-ion-implanted GaN after two-step annealing using MOS structure

〇Uryu Ra1, Yuki Hatakeyama1, Masamichi Akazawa1 (1.RCIQE,Hokkaido Univ.)

[22p-P04-6]Annealing in Oxygen ambient of In-based contact for Mg-doped p-GaN

〇MariaEmma Castil Villamin1, Naotaka Iwata1 (1.Toyota Tech Inst)

[22p-P04-7]Evaluation of gap states near conduction band in the vicinity of MOS interface of Mg- and N-ion-co-implanted GaN after ultra-high-pressure annealing

〇Yuki Hatakeyama1, Tetsu Kachi2, Masamichi Akazawa1 (1.RCIQE, Hokkaido Univ., 2.IMaSS, Nagoya Univ.)

[22p-P04-8]Assessment of effects of 850℃ annealing on surface and bulk defects of Mg-ion implanted GaN using MOS structure (2)

〇Genta Shindo1, Yuki Hatakeyama1, Masamichi Akazawa1 (1.RCIQE, Hokkaido Univ.)

[22p-P04-9]Impact of interface formation process on properties of photoelectrochemically etched p-GaN MOS interfaces

〇Yining Jiao1, Takahide Nukariya1, Umi Takatsu1, Taketomo Sato1, Masamichi Akazawa1 (1.RCIQE, Hokkaido Univ.)

[22p-P04-10]Study on Secondary Rectification Circuit in MHz GaN-Wireless Power Transmission

〇Toshihide Ide1,2, Mitsuaki Shimizu1,2, Noriyuki Takada1 (1.AIST RIAEP, 2.NU-AIST GaN-OIL)

[22p-P04-11]Flat-band Voltage Shift of GaN-MOS Capacitors with Floating Gate Structure

〇Xigen Li1, Manato Deki2, Shun Lu1, Hirotaka Watanabe3, Naoki Fujimoto3, Shugo Nitta3, Yoshio Honda1,2,3, Hiroshi Amano1,2,3 (1.Dept. of Elec. Nagoya Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ. D-center, 3.Nagoya Univ. IMaSS)

[22p-P04-12]Characterization of mist-Al2O3/n-GaN Structures Fabricated on Free-standing GaN Substrates

〇Zenji Yatabe1, Masaya Fukumitsu1, Hadirah Radzuan1, Keigo Bito1, Ryota Ochi2, Yusui Nakamura1, Taketomo Sato2 (1.Kumamoto Univ., 2.Hokkaido Univ.)

[22p-P04-13]Characterization of noble gas plasma-induced defects in n-GaN

〇Yuta Kuwayama1, Manato Fujitsuna1, Kazuki Tanaka1, Mayu Oshima1, Seiji Nakamura1 (1.Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

[22p-P04-14]Characterization of plasma-induced defects in GaN by the reverse bias annealing (2)


[22p-P04-15]Characterization of displacement currents in the I-V characteristics of Ni/n-GaN Schottky contacts

〇Hiroki Imabayashi1, Kentaro Kawanishi1, Hiroshi Ohta2, Tomoyoshi Mishima2, Kenji Shiojima1 (1.Univ. of Fukui, 2.Hosei Univ.)

[22p-P04-16]Interface evaluation of SiC pMOSFET with charge pumping method

〇Kotaro Ano1, Kuniyuki Kakushima1, Takuya Hoshii1, KaKazuo Tsutsui1, Hitoshi Wakabayashi1, Takashi Yoda1, Takayuki Oba1 (1.Tokyo tech.)

[22p-P04-17]Double-Implanted SiC Superjunction UMOSFET to Suppress Bipolar Degradation

〇Kensuke Takenaka1, Takeshi Tawara1, Syunki Narita2, Shinsuke Harada1 (1.AIST, 2.Fuji Electric)

[22p-P04-18]Precise Junction Temperature Setting for Reliability Test of Chip-Scale Semiconductor Packages

〇Byongjin Ma1, Taehee Jung1, Sungsoon Choi1, Jemin Kim1, Kwanhun Lee1 (1.KETI)