Presentation Information

[22p-P07-12]Relationship between Diameter and Temperature Coefficient of Resistance on Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes

〇Toshie Miyamoto1,2, Tomo Tanaka1,2, Takashi Miyazaki1,2, Megumi Kanaori2, Noriyuki Tonouchi1,2, Akinobu Shibuya1,2, Takeshi Saito2, Yuki Kuwahara2, Takeshi Hashimoto3, Ryota Yuge1,2 (1.NEC, 2.AIST, 3.Meijo Nano Carbon Co.,Ltd)


carbon nanotube,infrafed sensors,nanotube

Bolometer-type infrafed image sensors have a variety of applications such as security surveillance cameras, human body thermography, and cameras for mobile objects. Recently, their industrial use has become more active. The main issue is high sensitivity and low cost, The effective means are to improve the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and ruduce the resistance of bolometer materials. In this study, we analyzed the structures of different semiconducting carbon nanotubes and fabricated and evaluated bolometer elements using them.