Presentation Information

[23a-P06-23]Effects of interface treatment on the interface states of Pt/Nb:SrTiO3 junction to control the current relaxation process

〇Taiga Seto1, Hayato Nakamura1, Ryosuke Otani1, Yumeng Zheng1, Kentaro Kinoshita1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of sci)


Resistive Random-Access Memory : ReRAM,Relaxation phenomena,Conductance method

In this study, in order to control the current relaxation phenomena in Pt/Nb:SrTiO3 junctions, we investigated the interface treatment suitable for the relaxation control by measuring the change of the interface state due to the interface treatment by the conductance method. Specifically, three devices were used: As Depo, atmospheric annealing, and interface layer (TiO2) introduction. As a result, the obtained interfacial level density and energy level were not consistent with the current relaxation characteristics. It is suggested that the effect of oxygen defect migration is dominant compared to the contribution of electron trapping/de-trapping to the resistance change.