Session Details

[23a-P06-1~23]6.3 Oxide electronics

Sat. Mar 23, 2024 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Sat. Mar 23, 2024 12:30 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
P06 (Building No. 9)

[23a-P06-1]Laser fluence effect on scattering times at γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 heterostructures

〇(M2)JIWON YANG1, Mikk Lippmaa1 (1.ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo)

[23a-P06-2]Formation and photocatalytic reaction of GaOX/Ga Ultrafine Powder Prepared by Ultrasonic
Dispersion Method

〇Naoki Maeda1, Meguru Nagai1, Naohumi Okamoto2, Takahito Imai1, Shin-ichi Yamamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ., 2.NAIST)

[23a-P06-3]Photocatalytic effect of impurity-doped powdered Ga

〇Taiki Tsutani1, Meguru Nagai1, Naoki Maeda1, Naohumi Okamoto2, Shin-ichi Yamamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ., 2.NAIST)

[23a-P06-4]Dependence of photocatalytic performance on firing temperature in AgVO3 powder

〇Naoyuki Nishizuka1, Sasaki Ryuta1, Yamamoto Shin-ichi1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-5]Visible light-responsive photocatalytic material synthesized with AgVO3 and rare earth materials

〇Ryuta Sasaki1, Sin-ichi Yamamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-6]Evaluation of photocatalytic performance of ErVO4 using precipitation method

〇Takahito Kubo1, Syo Mihara1, Ryuta Sasaki1, Shin-ichi Yamamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-7]Evaluation of photocatalytic properties of calcined Ga particle

〇Satoahi Sugino1, Taiki Tsutani1, Meguru Nagai1, Naoki Maeda1, Shin-ichi Yamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-8]Photocatalytic activity of Al doped SrTiO3

〇(D)Jiayue Ma1, Mikk Lippmaa1 (1.ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo)

[23a-P06-9]Nano-flower like WO3 photoanode for photoelectrochemical degradation of microplastics

〇(B)Ibuki Koizumi1, Ryota Uchida1, Kosei Ito1, Kei Noda1 (1.Keio Univ.)

[23a-P06-10]HAXPES evaluation of ETL-SnOx layers for perovskite/Si tandem solar cell applications

〇Yoshiharu Kirihara1, Riki Takemasa1, Daisuke Ieki1, Akira Yasui2, Ryousuke Ishikawa1, Hiroshi Nohira1 (1.Tokyo City Univ., 2.JASRI)

[23a-P06-11]A new patterning method using reduction of SnO2-based transparent conductive films in gluconic acid aqueous solution

〇Daisuke Ogawa1, Hiromasa Namiki1, Yuito Miyashita1 (1.TIRI)

[23a-P06-12]Preparation of Tin Oxide Thin Films by Liquid Phase Deposition Method and Their Application to Electron Transport Layer of Perovskite Solar Cells

〇(B)Yuna Tsuji1, Seiya Kurokawa1, Yoshihiro Nagata1, Yoshifumi Aoi1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-13]DC sputtering of Cu2O films by using Cu/CuO mixture target

〇Akio Sekiguchi1, Shinsuke Miyajima1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

[23a-P06-14]Epitaxial growth of anatase TiO2 by solvothermal method with a precursor containing fluoride ions

〇(DC)Kosuke Ono1, Shimomura Masaru1 (1.GSST, Shizuoka Univ.)

[23a-P06-15]Characteristic evaluation of IGZO thin films using infrared heated TDS

Shin-Ichi Yamamoto1,2, Reem Alshanbari2, 〇Kunimitsu Maejima3, Meguru Nagai1, Koichi Wani1, Ioannis Kymissis2 (1.Ryukoku Univ., 2.Columbia Univ., 3.ESCO)

[23a-P06-16]Application of machine learning to thin film fabrication

〇YUNLONG SUN1, Haotong Liang3, Mikk Lippmaa2 (1.GSFS UTokyo, 2.ISSP UTokyo, 3.Maryland Univ)

[23a-P06-17]Preparation of NiOx thin films by liquid phase deposition method and their electrochromic properties

〇(B)Junori Sakamoto1, Yoshihiro Nagata1, Yoshifumi Aoi1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)

[23a-P06-18]Metal–Insulator transition of (Pr1–ySmy)1–xCaxCoO3 films fabricated by KOH flux method

〇Ituski Yamamoto1, Shuhei Funaki1, Yasuji Yamada1, Masahiro Tahashi2, Yutaka Yoshida3, Yusuke Ichino4 (1.Shimane Univ., 2.Chubu Univ., 3.Nagoya Univ., 4.Aichi Inst.)

[23a-P06-19]Property modulation of VO2 epitaxial films by electrochemical protonation

〇(M1)Souta Fuji1, Daisuke Kan1, Yosuke Isoda1, Takuya Majima2, Yuichi Shimakawa1 (1.ICR, Kyoto Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)

[23a-P06-20]Mechanical bending strain effect on the modulation of metal-insulator transition properties in VO2

〇(D)Sharad Sunil Mane1, Azusa Hattori1, Hidekazu Tanaka1 (1.SANKEN, Osaka Univ.)

[23a-P06-21]Electronic Structure of (CrxV1−x)2O3 Epitaxial Films Studied by Synchrotron-Radiation Photoemission Spectroscopy

〇Shohei Nishi1, Daisuke Shiga1,2, Seitaro Inoue1, Tassaphon Tirasutt1, Ryotaro Hayasaka1, Sogen Watanabe1, Kenichi Ozawa2, Kohei Yoshimatsu1, Hiroshi Kumigashira1,2 (1.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2.IMSS, KEK)

[23a-P06-22]Elucidation of degradation characteristics of Pt/Nb:SrTiO3 Interface ReRAM by analyzing interface levels.

〇(B)Tomohiro Ishii1, Hayato Nakamura1, Ryosuke Otani1, Yumeng Zheng1, Kentaro Kinoshita1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci)

[23a-P06-23]Effects of interface treatment on the interface states of Pt/Nb:SrTiO3 junction to control the current relaxation process

〇Taiga Seto1, Hayato Nakamura1, Ryosuke Otani1, Yumeng Zheng1, Kentaro Kinoshita1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of sci)