Presentation Information

[23a-P07-14]Highly oriented growth of VO2 films on ZnO-nanorod buffered polyimide film and their bending durability

〇(M2)Yukito Ozawa1, Rai Hiranabe2, Shinpei Shimono2, Qinzhi Liu2, Kunio Okimura1,2 (1.Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai Univ., 2.School of Engineering, Tokai Univ.)


Flexible,Smart Window,Oxide Thin Film

Vanadium dioxide (VO2) transits to a tetragonal crystal structure from a monoclinic crystal structure at a temperature of about 68ºC concomitant with a resistance change over four orders of magnitude, so-called insulator-metal transition (IMT). It is also known that VO2 changes not only its resistance but also transparency abruptly due to the IMT. Thus, VO2 is expected to have a wide range of applications such as sensors, actuators, and smart windows. If VO2 can be grown on a flexible substrate, applicability of VO2 will be highly enhanced. In this study, polyimide was used as a flexible substrate, and we aimed at high performance VO2 thin film deposition for practical use. In the flexible application of VO2, repeated stress application to the film is expected. Therefore, we investigated the bending durability of IMT properties of VO2 thin films on polyimide.