Presentation Information

[23p-12J-4][The 15th Silicon Technology Division Young Researcher Award] Effect of Strain on Room-Temperature Spin Transport in Si0.1Ge0.9

〇Takahiro Naito1, Michihiro Yamada2,3, Youya Wagatsuma4, Kentarou Sawano4, Kohei Hamaya3,5,1 (1.GSES, Osaka Univ., 2.JST-PRESTO, 3.CSRN, Osaka Univ., 4.Tokyo City Univ., 5.OTRI, Osaka Univ.)


strain,spin transport,silicon germanium

One of the challenges in realizing spin MOSFET, low power consumption semiconductor device, is high-efficiency spin transport in a semiconductor. We report the effect of the strain on room-temperature spin diffusion length (λs) and spin lifetime (τs) in Si0.1Ge0.9, which exhibits a Ge-like band structure. From the contact distance-dependence of nonlocal spin signals, the estimated value of λs for the strained n-Si0.1Ge0.9 is 0.93 µm and longer than λs = 0.50 µm for n-Ge. We attribute the enhancement in λs to the suppression of intervalley spin-flip scattering by the strain-induced lifting of valley degeneracy besides the higher electron mobility. As a consequence of the enhanced λs, we succeeded in 5-µm spin transport by applying an electric field, demonstrating its effectiveness.