Presentation Information

[23p-12K-3]Micro/nano laser processing of Si-based nanofilms

〇Yuuki Uesugi1, Tetsuro Kobayashi1, Yuichi Kozawa1, Shinichi Sato1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)


Laser processing,Suspended film,Femtosecond laser

We will present a new laser processing technique that is capable of processing suspended Si/SiN films with thicknesses of less than 100 nm. Using a femtosecond laser pulse, we can perform hole-drilling of less than 70 nm in diameter and/or patterning processes of several 10 μm square on the films in a single-shot laser processing. High-precision drawing processing is also possible, making this technique ideal for laboratory-scale M/NEMS fabrication.