Presentation Information

[23p-1BL-8]Fabrications and Functions of Nanoscale Electronic Devices
-Single Molecule Transistors, Memory, Gas Sensors, and ELGP Nanopore DNA Sequencers-

〇Yutaka Majima1 (1.Tokyo Tech.)


nanoscale electronic device,single molecule transistor,ELGP nanopore DNA sequencer

In this presentation, I will introduce our research activities on nanoscale electronic devices based on electron beam lithography (EBL) and electroless gold plating (ELGP) using internal stresses and electric fields at the nanoscale. The nanoscale electronic devices are single molecule transistors using a single π-conjugated molecule as a semiconductor quantum dot, in-plane ferroelectric memory based on bottom contact 2D ferroelectric semiconductor, resistive nanogap gas sensors, nanostructure induced L10-CoPt ferromagnetic nanowires, and ELGP nanopore DNA sequencers.