Session Details

[23p-1BL-1~10]Symposium Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Establishment of Solid-State Physics and Applications Division

Sat. Mar 23, 2024 1:30 PM - 6:10 PM JST
Sat. Mar 23, 2024 4:30 AM - 9:10 AM UTC
1BL (Building No. 1)
Toshiharu Kubo(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Shigeya Kimura(Toshiba)

[23p-1BL-1]Opening remarks

〇Taro Arakawa1 (1.Yokohama National Univ.)

[23p-1BL-2]Memory of Solid State Physics and Application Division and Compound Semiconductor Research

〇Yasushi Nanishi1 (1.Ritsumei Univ. ROST)

[23p-1BL-3]Fusion of Applied Solid State Physics with Peripheral, Engineering, and the Other Fields

〇Toshio Ogino1, Yoichiro Tanaka1, Chika Sugimoto1 (1.Yokohama Natl. Univ.)

[23p-1BL-5]Memories as Former Director of the Solid State Physics and Applications Division

〇Akira Yamada1 (1.Tokyo Tech)

[23p-1BL-6]A miscellaneous writing for 80th anniversary of the "OUDEN"

〇Michihiko Suhara1 (1.Tokyo Metro.Univ.)

[23p-1BL-7]Development of Photo-assisted Scanning Probe Microscopy and Its Application to Investigation of Solar Cell Materials

〇Takuji Takahashi1,2 (1.IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, 2.INQIE, Univ. of Tokyo)

[23p-1BL-8]Fabrications and Functions of Nanoscale Electronic Devices
-Single Molecule Transistors, Memory, Gas Sensors, and ELGP Nanopore DNA Sequencers-

〇Yutaka Majima1 (1.Tokyo Tech.)

[23p-1BL-9]Collaborations with molecular beam epitaxy

〇Kouichi Akahane1 (1.NICT)

[23p-1BL-10]Closing remarks

〇Atushi A. Yamaguchi1 (1.Kanazawa Inst. Tech.)