Presentation Information

[23p-31B-13]Observation of valley current quantization by split gate structure

〇Kei Takahashi1, Yusuke Nakayama1, Jonathan P Bird1,2, Kenji Watanabe3, Takashi Taniguchi3, Mengnan Ke1, Nobuyuki Aoki1 (1.Chiba Univ, 2.Buffalo Univ, 3.NIMS)


2D Semiconductor,Valley Hall Effect,Quantum point contact

In transition metal dichalcogenides, which are two-dimensional semiconductors, carriers have Berry curvature due to the breaking of the spatial inversion symmetry of the crystal structure in their single layer, and the orbits of the carriers in the two valleys bend in opposite directions to each other. This phenomenon is called the valley Hall effect, which results in valley flow without net charge flow (valley current). We are attempting to quantize the valley current by inserting a split-gate structure for the valley current in single-layer MoS2.