Presentation Information

[23p-31B-3]Observation of negative differential resistance and clarification for formation mechanism of band structure using resonant tunneling devices based on transition metal dichalcogenides

〇Seiya Kawasaki1, Kei Kinoshita1, Momoko Onodera1, Rai Moriya1, Yijin Zhang1, Satoru Masubuchi1, Kenji Watanabe2, Takashi Taniguchi2, Takao Sasagawa3, Tomoki Machida1 (1.IIS Univ. Tokyo, 2.NIMS, 3.MSL Tokyo Tech.)


resonant tunneling,TMD,band

We investigated the Γ-valley states in the valence band (VB) of (1) a minigap of multilayer p+-MoS2 and (2) WSe2/MX2 hetero-bilayer (HBL) (M = W, Mo; X = Se, S) by measuring resonant tunneling to VB-Γ in the van der Waals tunnel junctions. We observed (1) the minigap induced negative differential resistance is robustness to the number of layers and changing to the temperature, (2) the HBL band structure changes to material combination and the band formation mechanism differs between hetero and homo bilayers.