Presentation Information

[23p-31B-5]Nanoscale Observation of a MoS2 stack forming pn junction using
scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy

〇(M2)Taiyo Ishizuka1,2, Kohei Yamasue2 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.RIEC, Tohoku Univ.)


layered semiconductor,scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy,local CV characteristics measurement

MoS2 is attracting attention as an alternative semiconductor to silicon and its application to devices requires a microscopic understanding of its physical properties. In this study, we measured a pn junction of MoS2 using scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy (SNDM). The results showed that the capacitance change was smaller in the stacked area, suggesting depletion due to the pn junction. This result indicates that MoS2 pn junctions can be evaluated by SNDM.