Presentation Information

[23p-52A-13]Understanding the atmosphere effect on the nitridation kinetics at the SiC/SiO2 interface using NO

〇Ryu Sasaki1, Takashi Onaya2, Koji Kita1,2 (1.School of Eng., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.GSFS, The Univ. of Tokyo)


SiC,nitridation,NO annealing

In order to provide a correct understanding of the nitridation kinetics at the SiC/SiO2 interface using NO annealing, intentional mixing of different gases was attempted during annealing in a NO atmosphere. The results indicated that there is a simultaneous N-incorporation and N-removal in this reaction process, and that these rates were strongly correlated with the SiC surface oxidation rate. While the N-removal rate constant exhibited a proportional relationship, the N-incorporation rate should be interpreted as a function where the rate of increase decreases with the enhancement of the SiC surface oxidation rate.