Presentation Information

[24a-11F-5]Can quantm walk find the shortest path ?

〇Etsuo Segawa1, Hiromichi Ohno2, Leo Matsuoka3 (1.Yokohama Nat Univ, 2.Shinshu Univ, 3.Hiroshima Inst. Tech)


Quantum walk

Choosing two vertices as the entrance and exit from a connected and simple graph, we regard this as a maze. The self-loop is added to each entrance and exit vertices, respectively, and the leaf is also added to the entrance vertex as the sink. Starting from the self-loop of the entrance vertex, and iterating the Grover walk’s time evolutions, we focus on the survival probability at each vertex in the stationary state. In this talk, we show analytical results suggesting that the survival probability is exponentially decreasing as the distance is from the shortest path is larger.