Session Details

[24a-11F-1~7]3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics (formerly 3.12)

Sun. Mar 24, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM JST
Sun. Mar 24, 2024 1:00 AM - 3:00 AM UTC
11F (Building No. 1)
Hayato Saigo(Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech.), Segawa Etsuo(Yokohama National Univ.)

[24a-11F-1]Current-induced Non-equlibrium Structure III

〇Itsuki Banno1 (1.Yamanashi Univ.)

[24a-11F-2]On the emergence of spacetime and existence of dressed photon

〇Hirofumi Sakuma1 (1.RODreP)

[24a-11F-3]On observable algebras of dressed photons

〇Hayato Saigo1 (1.Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology)

[24a-11F-4]Measurement theory for algebraic quantum fields

〇Kauzya Okamura1 (1.Chubu Univ.)

[24a-11F-5]Can quantm walk find the shortest path ?

〇Etsuo Segawa1, Hiromichi Ohno2, Leo Matsuoka3 (1.Yokohama Nat Univ, 2.Shinshu Univ, 3.Hiroshima Inst. Tech)

[24a-11F-6]Three-dimensional quantum walk analyses of photon breeding with respect to photon spin

〇Motoichi Ohtsu1, Etsuo Segawa2, Kenta Yuki3, Seiken Saito4 (1.Res. Or. Dressed Ptn,, 2.Yokohama Ntl. Univ., 3.Middenii, 4.Kogakuin Univ)

[24a-11F-7]Influence of matter-system geometry on dressed-photon localization and dissipation

〇Suguru Sangu1, Hayato Saigo2, Motoichi Ohtsu3 (1.Ricoh Co., Ltd., 2.Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech., 3.Res. Origin Dressed Photon)