Presentation Information

[24a-11F-7]Influence of matter-system geometry on dressed-photon localization and dissipation

〇Suguru Sangu1, Hayato Saigo2, Motoichi Ohtsu3 (1.Ricoh Co., Ltd., 2.Nagahama Inst. Bio-Sci. Tech., 3.Res. Origin Dressed Photon)


dressed photon,localization,dissipation

Numerical simulations based on a quantum density matrix have been preformed to investigate the influence of the asymmetry of the matter systems on the dressed-photon localization and dissipation. The simulations show that a highly asymmetric system that consists of the clustered structures induces the excitation of a small number of the base states with the plural dressed photons. Focusing on the role of the dark states as the origin of this selective excitation, or the restriction of dissipation paths, geometric structures for increasing the efficiency of the free photon emission have been considered.