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[24a-12F-2]Numerical study of factor analysis for twisting during CZ-Ga2O3 growth

〇Koichi Kakimoto1, aketoshi Tomida2, Kochurikhin Vladimir2, Kei Kamada4, Satoshi Nakano3, Akira Yoshikawa4 (1.NICHe, Tohoku Univ., 2.C&A, 3.RIAM, Kyushu Univ., 4.IMR, Tohoku)



The effects of internal radiation and thermal conductivity anisotropy in β-gallium oxide crystals on heat and mass transfer in the Czochralski method were numerically studied. Specifically, we calculated the temperature and velocity distributions in a crystal and/or melt and the interface shape between the crystals and melt for the Czochralski method. We used the Rosseland approximation to include the internal radiation in the crystals to calculate the heat transfer in the crystal. Moreover, the thermal conductivity anisotropy in the crystals was considered to study the asymmetric temperature distribution.