Presentation Information
[24a-12H-2]Influence of thickness for Pt bottom electrode on film properties of AlScN
〇Soshun Doko1, Naoko Matsui1, Toshikazu Irisawa1, Koji Tsunekawa1, Yoshiko Nakamura2, Kazuki Okamoto2, Hiroshi Funakubo2 (1.Canon ANELVA Corp., 2.Tokyo Tech.)
Ferroelectric thin film,AlScN,FeRAM
AlScN with wurtzite structure are studied as materials for ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM). Pt is a suitable electrode material candidate for AlScN based FeRAM. As Pt is expensive, reducing Pt thickness is required due to reducing FeRAM cost. However, the influence of the thickness of Pt bottom electrode on the film properties of AlScN has not been sufficiently discussed. In this study, we investigated the influence of the thickness for Pt bottom electrode on the film properties of AlScN, focusing on the crystallinity of AlScN.