Presentation Information

[24a-31B-1]Theoretical study on hBN island edges in CVD initial growth

〇(M1)Ryo Imamura1, Hiroyuki Kageshima1 (1.Shimane Univ.)


hexagonal boron nitride,CVD growth,the first-principles calculation

hBN is being applied as an insulating film in transistors utilizing two-dimensional semiconductors. For instance, using it as an underlayer for two-dimensional semiconductors results in a smoother interface, enabling suppression of interface scattering and traps. The use of hBN in CVD growth is advantageous in terms of cost. However, it faces challenges in quality, necessitating improvements. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the growth mechanism of hBN is desired. Hence, we attempted an analysis assuming intrinsic nucleation, which is the most fundamental aspect of CVD growth. In this presentation, we report the results of theoretical investigations through the first-principles calculations using the PHASE/0 program package.