Presentation Information

[24a-52A-9]Evaluation of gap states in AlSiO/AlN/p-type GaN MOSFETs using the multi-terminal C–V methods

〇Tetsuo Narita1, Kenji Ito1, Hiroko Iguchi1, Shiro Iwasaki1, Kazuyoshi Tomita2, Daigo Kikuta1 (1.Toyota CRDL, 2.Nagoya Univ.)


MOS,Capacitance-Voltage,Gallium Nitride

Gap states at a MOS interface play as a significant role of the channel mobility and bias-temperature instability in a MOSFET. In most of cases, two-terminal MOS diodes as test specimens have been used and compared with MOSFETs having equivalent gate structures. However, it is difficult to ensure identicalness of interface states between the MOS diode and the MOSFET because of the difference in the fabrication process and/or the doping of the epitaxial layer. The study demonstrates the direct extraction of gap states in GaN MOSFETs using multi-terminal C–V methods. The proposed methods allow the separate evaluation of the electron inversion and the hole accumulation.