Presentation Information

[24a-61B-7]Local realization of substrate bias contribution degree on film properties of carbon hard mask

〇Yusuke Ando1, Hiroki Kondo2, Takayoshi Tsutsumi3, Kenji Ishikawa3, Makoto Sekine3, Masaru Hori3 (1.Nagoya Univ. Eng., 2.Kyushu Univ. ISEE, 3.Nagoya Univ. cLPS)


a-C,machine learning,PECVD

This research focues on the elucidation of growth mechanism of amorphous cabon hard mask to achieve both higher plasma etch resistance and lower internal stress, which are generally in trade-off relationship. The a-C film optimized to have high etch resistance using machine learning showed comparatively lower internal stress. In the presentation, film property manifestation mechanism is discussed based on mass analysis and multiple film properties measurements.