Presentation Information

[24p-12F-7]Measurement of carbon concentration in silicon crystal/ 2-nd generation (27) Fractional phonon bands in infrared absorption, separation and low T measurement

〇Naohisa Inoue1, Shuichi Okuda1, Shuichi Kawamata1 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ. Radiation Research center)


silicon crystal,carbon concentration,infrared absorption

Measurement of carbon concentration uses infrared absorption (IR). Improving sensitivity to 1012/cm3 concentration, we demonstrated measurement of 1013/cm3. There are 5 subjects to be solved. We defined instrumental detection limit (IDL) for statistical object and spectral detection limit (SDL) for ND error. Direct calibration between low T IR and CPAA/SIMS is expected.
Problem is the residual phonon absorption in the difference between the sample and the reference spectra. We identified 4 phonon bands appearing successively as the concentration decreases. Outer and middle fractional phonon bands are separate and the baseline can be drawn between the gap (zero) points. It is not easy to separate inner phonon bands. Low temperature measurement reduces both band widths, making easier to separate them.