Presentation Information

[24p-12M-9]Improvement of Passivation Performance of TiOx/SiOy/c-Si Heterostructure by Introducing an Atomic-Layer-Deposited TiOx:Nb Layer

〇Shohei Fukaya1, Kazuhiro Gotoh1,3,4, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa1, Noritaka Usami1,2,5 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.InFuS Nagoya Univ., 3.Niigata Univ., 4.IRCNT Niigata Univ., 5.IMaSS Nagoya Univ.)


passivation,titanium oxide

To realize high-performance crystalline silicon solar cells, titanium oxide deposited by atomic layer deposition has attracted attention, however, further improvement of electrical properties is necessary for practical use. In this study, we focused on doping other elements into TiOx. Specifically, we prepared TiOx:Nb layers by adding Nb, which is a homologous element to Ta and is known to increase the fixed charge density and conductive performance when added to TiOx, and investigated its electrical properties.