Presentation Information

[25a-P03-1]Van der Waals epitaxy of transferable InGaN by RF-MBE method

〇(B)Riku Nambu1, Shota Hattori1, Tsutomu Araki1, Shinichiro Mouri1 (1.Ritsumeikan Univ. Col. of Sci. & Eng.)


Nitoride semiconductor,Van der Waals epitaxy,Graphene

InGaN is expected to be used in next-generation light-emitting devices, particularly in micro-LED displays.In this study, InGaN thin film was grown on the graphene transferred onto a GaN substrate, by RF-MBE method.In addition, we succeed in transferring the grown film onto various substrates using a thermal-release tape.Characterization of the film will be discussed in the presentation.