Presentation Information

[25a-P03-9]Defect reaction analysis around VGa-VN in gallium nitride

Jota Nakamura1, 〇Masato Oda1, Yoshihiro Kangawa2 (1.Wakayama Univ., 2.Kyushu Univ.)


defect reaction,Gallium Nitride,First-principles calculation

Gallium nitride (GaN) is considered a promising material for next-generation power devices, but it faces challenges due to its high defect density. Recently, it has been observed that VGa-VN is growing into large composite void defects during the annealing process. These large defects become a significant cause of carrier scattering, posing a potential threat to electronic devices. In this study, the research aimed to investigate the migration barrier of VGa-VN using first-principles electronic state calculations. The results revealed a migration barrier of 2.2 (3.3) eV for VGa(VN), suggesting the likelihood of such reactions occurring during the annealing process of GaN.