Presentation Information
[14a-K101-7]Comparative Analysis of Threshold Voltage and On-current Variability in 65nm Bulk and FDSOI MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperature
〇(DC)Zihao Liu1, Tomoko Mizutani1, Kiyoshi Takeuchi1, Takuya Saraya1, Hiroshi Oka2, Takahiro Mori2, Masaharu Kobayashi1, Toshiro Hiramoto1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.AIST)
This work compares the cryogenic variability of bulk and FDSOI MOSFETs fabricated at the same fab, which is missing in previous studies and found degraded variability in linear region at at cryogenic temperature. The reasons and implications are discussed
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