Presentation Information
[14a-K103-3]Low-Temperature Characterization of a Beam Splitter on an Alumina Visible-Light Waveguide
〇Masayuki Hosoda1, Itsuki Takagi1, Ryota Kitagawa1, Takuto Yamaguchi1, Naoki Fushimi1, Masaharu Hida1, Toshiyuki Miyazawa1, Kenichi Kawaguchi1, Ryoichi Ishihara2, Shintaro Sato1 (1.Fujitsu LTD, 2.TUDelft)
Quantum Computer,Diamond Color Center,Photodetector
The electron spins of color centers in diamond are promising qubits due to their long coherence times. Integrating optical components within a cryostat is crucial for realizing scalable quantum computers. This work presents a low-temperature characterization of a beam splitter fabricated on an alumina visible-light waveguide, utilizing on-cryostat photodetectors. We report on the temperature dependence of the splitting ratio and measurement details.
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