Presentation Information
[14a-K205-3]【Absent】Evaluation of correlation between the viscoelastic properties of avocado pulp and the optical properties of the rind
〇Ichiro Tono1, Makoto Saito2, Fujio Terai3, Yoshiro Baba4, Hiroyasu Ishikawa1 (1.Shibaura Inst. Tech., 2.DMR corp., 3.TRIF LLC, 4.TWINKLE TECH)
avocado ripeness,pulp hardness,chlorophyll fluorescence
Simplifying and improving the accuracy of ripeness testing is a challenge in the distribution of avocados. We have investigated a nondestructive ripeness evaluation system based on fluorescence intensity and chromaticity using a simple measuring instrument, but the correlation with pulp firmness has not been evaluated. In this report, we investigated the correlation between the optical properties of the rind and the maximum stress change rate of the pulp. The chlorophyll fluorescence intensity ratio of the rind and the chromaticity parameters L* and C* showed a constant correlation with the maximum stress change rate of the pulp.
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