Presentation Information
[14a-K502-3]Electronic phase transition of Solid-state synthesized V2O3 films
〇Yuki Kinoshita1, Shunya Asaoka1, Takuto Soma1, Kohei Yoshimatsu1, Akira Ohtomo1 (1.Science Tokyo)
Transition metal oxide,Metal Insulator transition,Solid-state synthesis
It is known that the resistivity of bulk V2O3 shows a large change ratio of 108 times before and after the metal-insulator transition, but in thin films, it decreases by 103 to 104 times, which is a problem for the application to Mott transistor devices. We attribute this decrease to the compressive strain near the thin film/substrate interface, and succeeded in fabricating a thin film with a resistivity change of 1.7×106 times by using Solid-phase synthesis. We also compared the skewness of the 2θ/ω scan of the X-ray diffraction measurement between Direct synthesis method, which is usually used, and Solid-phase synthesis method. As a result, we found that the compressive strain near the thin film/substrate interface was reduced.
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