Presentation Information
[14a-P01-30]Fabrication of Si-semiconductor detectors for gamma radiation sources
〇(B)Nana Kobayashi1, Naoki Saitou2, Shinnosuke Idogawa1 (1.NIT, Kushiro College, 2.Hokkaido University)
semiconductor detector,Development of teaching materials,Spin on glass method
The evaluation of radiation resistance of semiconductor devices is problems due to the high cost and safety issue, and the limitations of the evaluation environment. In this study, fabricated semiconductor detectors a low-cost and safe. The detectors were fabricated by thermal diffusion on Si wafers using the spin-on-glass method. Radiation source is cobalt-60 which is easy to manage. Also created a detection circuit of charge amplifier and observed waveform by oscilloscope. This method is applied to the study and evaluation of radiation-resistant semiconductor devices in the field of education.
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