Presentation Information
[14a-P05-11]Evaluation of time-reversal symmetry in pseudogap of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ single crystals using generalized-high accuracy universal polarimeter
〇(B)Komei Okano1, Kun Zhang1, Keigo Tokita1, Kenta Nakagawa2, Takuya Nakanishi2, Masaki Fujita3, Toru Asahi1,2 (1.Faculty of Adv. Sci. & Eng., Waseda Univ., 2.Comprehensive Reserch Organization, Waseda Univ., 3.Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ.)
superconductor,optical activity,birefringence
To verify the phase transition hypothesis in the pseudogap of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212), we have newly developed and constructed a generalized-high accuracy universal polarimeter (G-HAUP), which can be cooled at low-temperature, to evaluate whether the time-reversal symmetry of Bi2212 exists by measuring the reciprocal and non-reciprocal circular birefringence (CB), circular dichroism (CD) measurements. In this study, the measurement resolution of the newly constructed G-HAUP is quantitatively evaluated, and the existence or otherwise of the measured reciprocal and non-reciprocal CB・CD and time-reversal symmetry breaking is discussed from a quantitative point of view.
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