Presentation Information
[14a-P05-17]Improvement of superconductivity in Nd123 films by oxygen-controlled KOH flux method
〇(M1)Haruki Shigenobu1, Shuhei Funaki1, Yasuji Yamada1 (1.Shimane Univ.)
superconductor,REBCO,thin film
The KOH flux method, in which the raw material is dissolved in molten KOH and crystals are grown, can produce NdBa2Cu3Oy (Nd123) films at low temperatures of 500 ~ 700ºC. However, when Nd123 films are grown in air using this method, the Tc is significantly reduced due to Nd/Ba substitution, and it has been reported that Nd/Ba substitution can be suppressed by reducing the oxygen partial pressure during Nd123 synthesis. characteristics by reducing the oxygen content of the raw material to suppress Nd/Ba substitution.
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