Presentation Information
[14p-K201-7]Synthesis and optical properties of quantum dots with giant shells
〇Satoshi Tsukuda1, Atsushi Mochizuki1, Ryota Atarashi1 (1.SIST)
Quantum dot,phosphor
CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) with thick shells exhibit unique optical properties, including reduced Auger recombination, suppressed blinking, and reduced self-absorption owing to large Stokes shifts. The synthesis of core-shell QDs is usually divided into two stages: the synthesis of core QDs and coating of the shell. In this study, we synthesized CdSe/CdS QDs with thick shells via a one-batch process instead of the conventional two-step synthesis process. Even in the starting solutions containing Cd, Se, and S precursors, CdSe was preferentially deposited and CdS shell growth was delayed, resulting in the formation of CdSe/CdS QDs because the reactivity of the Se precursor toward Cd was higher than that toward S. The thickness of the CdS shell of the QDs was controlled by adjusting the Se:S molar ratio in the starting solution. The synthesized CdSe/CdS QDs covered with thick shells exhibited characteristic optical properties with large Stokes shifts.
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