Presentation Information

[14p-K206-8]Preparation of La3Ni2O7 Thin Film by PLD and Epitaxial Strain Effects

〇Kota Morita1, Hirotaka Okabe2,3, Jumpei G. Nakamura3, Hideki Kuwahara1, Ryosuke Kadono3, Tadashi Adachi1 (1.Sophia Univ., 2.IMR, Tohoku Univ., 3.KEK-IMSS)


Double-layer nickelates,Pulsed laser deposition,Pressure-induced superconductivity

To investigate the relationship between pressure and physical properties of La3Ni2O7, which exhibits superconductivity with Tc ~ 80 K under high pressure, La3Ni2O7-δ thin films were fabricated on LaAlO3 substrates with smaller in-plane lattice constants using the pulsed laser deposition method utilizing a Nd:YAG laser. As a result, the films showed lower electrical resistivity and semiconductor-like temperature dependence compared to bulk samples reported in previous studies. This suggests that the compressive strain from the substrate improved electrical conductivity, and similar to bulk samples, the films may exhibit semiconductor-like behavior under applied pressure.


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