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[14p-K306-2]High sensitivity infrared absorption spectroscopy and infrared defect dynamics of silicon crystal/
2-nd generation (26) LVM IR absorption of shallow thermal donor
〇Naohisa Inoue1, Shuichi Kawamata1, Shuichi Okuda1 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ. Radiation Research center)
silicon crystal,nitrogen,infrared absorption
In 1968 shallow donors were found in annealed N-doped FZ Si. In 1986 5 electron transition absorptions were observed in CZ-Si and thermal behavior was reported. We examined LVM IR bands and found candidates at 714, 736, 841, 855, 862, 941, 945, 973, 1002, 1008, 1065 cm-1. In 2005 we reported those at 855, 973 and 1002 cm-1 and assigned 973 and 1002 cm-1 as O(NO)O from O(NN)O like behavior. In 2007 theorists assigned 973 and 1002 cm-1 as (NO)O and 855 cm-1 as (ONO). We composed 5 models; (NO), (NO)O, O(NO), O(NO)O and (ONO). N-O-3, 4 and 5 remain after annealing at 800 oC, suggesting no O accompanies. N-O-3 thermal behavior deflects around 600 oC. We interpreted there are low-T and high-T types, and concluded 855 and 1065cm-1 from O(NO) and 840 and 863 cm-1 from (ONO). We examined high-T absorption at 714 cm-1. In 2018 we reported it from irradiated and annealed NFZ samples. It must be (NO) originated. (NO)O may locate at higher frequency. 739cm-1 absorption satisfies the requirements.
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