Presentation Information

[14p-K507-15]Detection of triboluminescence by nanometer-scale friction on Ib diamond surface

Kenta Igami1, Ryusei Nishimura1, Kotaro Harita1, 〇Masami Kageshima1 (1.Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)


triboluminescence,Ib diamond,quartz tuning fork

Visible-light photons emitted from a Ib diamond surface by making it in contact with a quartz tuning fork oscillating a nanometer-scale amplitude were detected via a photomultiplier. Upon increasing the oscillation amplitude the number of the detected photons was observed to significantly increase at an threshold value of 0.6 nmp-p. This amplitude is considered to be the threshold for sliding motion of the contact point. The number of the photons were observed to reach the maximum around the sliding velocity maximum.


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