Presentation Information

[14p-P07-28]An Attempt to Use Digital Sensors in the "Pendulum Movement" Unit

〇Ryuzo Ohmukai1, Saho Moriyama1, Yoshikazu Sato2 (1.Saitama Univ., 2.Tsurugashima-daiichi ES)


digital sensor,ICT,pendulum movement

As an attempt at practical use of ICT devices in lessons, we introduced the measurement of period using digital sensors and graphing of experimental data in the unit "Pendulum Movement" for 5th grade elementary school students, and verified whether students would be able to understand the regularity and laws of the experimental results and effectively acquire scientific concepts about pendulum movement. In the presentation, we will report on the details of the practical content and the changes in students' thinking before and after the start of the unit.


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