Presentation Information
[14p-P07-47]Effect of Tantalum Anode Oxide Film Defects on Electrical Properties of Capacitors
〇Yuya Kasamura1,2, Sho Nekita2, Natsuki Yoshioka1, Shota Osumi1, Norihiko Ogata1, Satoshi Hata3 (1.Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd., 2.IGSES, Kyushu Univ., 3.FES, Kyushu Univ.)
Anodic tantalum oxide,Four-Dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (4D-STEM),Nanoprobe system
Anodic oxide tantalum oxide (ATO) has a large band gap and high relative permittivity, resulting in a high energy storage efficiency within the film, making it suitable for use as the dielectric layer in electrolytic capacitors. ATO primarily has an amorphous structure, but under specific conditions, crystalline ATO can form, which can contribute to the degradation of the electrical characteristics of capacitors. In this study, we evaluated the impact of the crystalline distribution of ATO on the electrical properties of capacitors using 4D-STEM and a nanoprobe system.
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