Presentation Information
[15a-K204-3]Tightly coupled electric field and photogrammetry measurements from a Remotely Operated Vehicle for inspection of subsea infrastructure
〇Karen Weitemeyer1, Brian Claus1, Peter Kowalczyk1 (1.OFG)
Electric Fields,photogrammetry,cathodic protection
An ROV based 3D electric field sensor has been developed and tightly coupled with a photogrammetry system to characterize the integrity of subsea infrastructure. An equivalent source model is used to represent the measured electric field data. The photogrammetry surface is used to establish fixed point sources within this volume. The current of the pre-assigned point sources are calculated until they adequately represent the measured data. Geoscience Analyst is used to display the measured and modelled 3D electric field vectord ata and the biased potential is draped onto the photogrammetry surface.
Presentation 3 key take-aways:
1. Fast digital inspection allows for a 3D representation of a structures electric fields.
2. Areas of current sink and source can be identified with vector representation of the electric fields.
3. 3D photogrammetry allows for the electric potential to be draped onto the structure surface.
Presentation 3 key take-aways:
1. Fast digital inspection allows for a 3D representation of a structures electric fields.
2. Areas of current sink and source can be identified with vector representation of the electric fields.
3. 3D photogrammetry allows for the electric potential to be draped onto the structure surface.
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