Session Details

[15a-K204-1~5]In the ocean, in the field and in the living bodies, assembling of advanced electric field sensing technology opens a new world

Sat. Mar 15, 2025 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 12:30 AM - 2:45 AM UTC
K204 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Megumi Hirota(Naval Ship M&UEP R.C.)

[15a-K204-1]Opening Remark

〇Megumi Hirota1 (1.Naval Ship M&UEP R.C.)

[15a-K204-2]Electric Field Sensors and Electric Field Signature Control for Military Vessels

〇Samantha Davidson1 (1.Ultra Maritime SMAP)

[15a-K204-3]Tightly coupled electric field and photogrammetry measurements from a Remotely Operated Vehicle for inspection of subsea infrastructure

〇Karen Weitemeyer1, Brian Claus1, Peter Kowalczyk1 (1.OFG)

[15a-K204-4]Submarine hydrothermal deposit exploration using electric and electro-magnetic survey technique

〇Takafumi Kasaya1 (1.JAMSTEC)

[15a-K204-5]Electromagnetic imaging and monitoring of volcanoes

〇Yasuo Ogawa1,2, Keiichi Ishizu3, Norihiro Kitaoka1, Kuo-Hsuan Tseng1, Takuto Minami4, T.Grant Caldwell5, Alison Kirkby5 (1.Insit. Science Tokyo, 2.Tokoku Univ., 3.Kyushu Univ., 4.Kobe Univ., 5.GNS)